Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Things that I love when it's 85 degrees out

 Not the song so much as the actual melting, sweaty, miserable event. San Diego has had some of the muggiest weather the past few weeks. I don't know how anyone can live in a place that has these kinds of summers. Every year for pete's sake!

 So, sun tea has in constant supply. A $3 box of plain old Lipton black tea and I think I'll be good til Christmas.

 Fans are on constant rotation in the house. We could just turn on the AC like normal folk but then I might never leave the house.

Also, shorts are in here at Ole Miss. Unfortunately, I only have two pairs so my wardrobe lately has been well.. sloppy. But on the plus side, I can't stop listening to Janis Joplin today. Have some.