I'm particularly antsy tonight- kicking around the house smoking too many cigarettes and half watching SVU.
I truly hate nights like this.
Nights like these make me wish I lived back in the city. As annoying as it was sometimes, it was also great to open the window and let the street noises keep me company. I wish we had something like brownstones in San Diego. I think that would be my dream house.
Yesterday was spent getting ready for the great Cass/Johnston wedding. The whole day. Since I was lazy and didn't set my hair the night before, I had to use hot rollers instead. Which meant I had to put them in around 10am and leave them in all day to get any sort of lasting curl. Awful. But it was kind of a relaxing day. Moisturizing, tweezing, make-uping. And of course, dorkily documenting my routine with photos.
The outer two I use daily, the middle is an every other week luxury. I normally have red, sensitive skin which gets worked over if I use exfoliants too often.
So very charming.
As you can see, even after 7 hours in curlers my hair fell before the ceremony was over. But who cares about hair when you've got love to celebrate!
In an odd happenstance that I don't feel like over analyzing, I've been invited to KJ's wedding. We may not be friends anymore but I never turn down a party or an excuse to buy a new dress. And fancy-fancy, my new frock arrived today from Trashy Diva.
Ok, so a new dress and a new jacket. The fit is just a bit off (some random recent weight loss) but nothing my meager sewing skills can't fix. Yes, I will be looking quite deck in my own humble opinion.
I love when I know exactly where I was on this day in years past. It doesn't happen all that often since my memory is less then top notch. But on holidays and memorable ones, it always pleases me to look back.
Last year, today, I was finishing the two hour drive to Idyllwild. Starting my week long grand mal in a sense that would end my broken heart induced hibernation. One last week to be alone, away from my life; to get drunk as I pleased and wallow in my pain. And hopefully come out on the other side ready to start again. I did and I did.
It was exactly what I wanted it to be- quiet and cold and slow. Dear Mother was a little worried about me taking a vacation by myself but she bought me a can of dog spray and felt better.
I want very much to go back- maybe bring the gals along this time. And lots of wine.
Yeah so remember how weeks ago, I said I would be posting this wonderful fab overload of DIY greatness?'
Well, you can see how well that turned out.
In my defense, all those DIY projects were for my new apartment and since posting, that apartment has fallen through. And with it, all my motivation for home decor. For a while at least.
But I have been busy burning the craft candle- for War!
Yes, this year I've made a decisive and conscious effort to get the camp together and make it to War this year. So far so good. But I have to say, trying to plan our own camp without The Ex is a bit intimidating. There is a lot to get together and I've got a million packing lists, shopping lists, garb lists and project lists.
Lucky for me, My Love stepped up as my planning cohort.
Photos why not?
The garb boxes come out and with them, my unending list of things I want this year. And we know I have a hard time denying myself what I want.
So, I'm making myself a fancy new cloak outta faux fur and the most gorgeous hand stitched wrap I found on Etsy.
I'm also making some little favors for the campers this year.
And a mess of jewelry for me.
And my final project- Apple Pie Loki. It's at about two weeks here and should be quite satisfactory by the end of May. In case you're not a huge Renn nerd, let me explain. Loki is a ridiculously alcoholic drink made from everclear, sugar and flavourings. Essentially, you let the booze and flavouring (in my case chopped apple) sit for a month, then you strain out the solids and add the boiled down sugar and let that sit for another few months. End result? Amazing tasting drink that causes all better judgment to fly out the window. My Love and I originally had a desire to try making Mead but we had nowhere near enough time for it to ferment. Maybe in the future.
And since this is a Good Morning, here is a song that has been on constant rotation in my crafting soundtrack.