Thursday, March 10, 2011

In the mountains and in my own head

I love when I know exactly where I was on this day in years past. It doesn't happen all that often since my memory is less then top notch. But on holidays and memorable ones, it always pleases me to look back.

Last year, today, I was finishing the two hour drive to Idyllwild. Starting my week long grand mal in a sense that would end my broken heart induced hibernation. One last week to be alone, away from my life; to get drunk as I pleased and wallow in my pain. And hopefully come out on the other side ready to start again. I did and I did.

It was exactly what I wanted it to be- quiet and cold and slow. Dear Mother was a little worried about me taking a vacation by myself but she bought me a can of dog spray and felt better.

I want very much to go back- maybe bring the gals along this time. And lots of wine.

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