Sunday, May 30, 2010

Certainly no prom queen

Unlike many folks, I loved my high school years. I had great friends and a what-the-hell attitude that combined to result in countless fun times. Senior prom was one of them. I went with a good friend of mine, Mack, and wore a gorgeous 30's style dress. Which I still have and will one day fit back into. I swear.
Prom was such a blast, so when my friend JFK mentioned that The Pearl Hotel was going to be putting on a Vintage Prom benefit, how could I not go?

Turns out it was on the same night that I was supposed to go see Nosferatu at the Copley Symphony Hall with The Fancy. Which I wasn't about to miss so I decided the obvious course of action was to ask him to go with me to prom afterwards. That make two proms for two that I asked the boy to be my date. I'm so progressive.

Fantastic night.
The symphony was beautiful and quite entertaining. I found myself watching the musicians more then the actual film. Something about classical music is just so fascinating to me.
We sped over to the hotel, met up with KJ and her man, took corny prom pictures, drank some awful spiked punch and The Fancy did a cannonball into the pool. While wearing his TSC get-up.

The photos were recently published and most were amazingly awkward, unfortunately. But a few turned out public viewing worthy. Luckily, we took massive amounts at our after-prom party (the boys apartment with whiskey and cigarettes)

Bear in mind that the following photos were taken while intoxicated!.

I look so obviously flustered here...

Thursday, May 27, 2010

I went out looking for one grey belt-

and $130 later, I came away with a fantastic Friday night outfit.
Against all better judgment, I took KJ on a little shopping expedition for a belt to match my perfect grey shoes. We went to Frock You (mistake number one), then we stopped by the dress rack. (mistake number 2)
And then I popped into the backroom with the shoes. (epic fail)

Yes, yes, I spent money I could ill afford but I really had no choice.

 I'm really odd when it comes to matching colors in outfits. I usually do the dress in a main color and then everything else will be one accent color.

I did manage to show some restraint in not buying a hat while I was there, instead opting to make a little fascinator. Quite often with clothing, I go shopping with a very specific idea in my head of what I want and usually am unable to find the perfect dress or hat or necklace that I pictured. Not at all surprising.
In these instances, rather then get something perfectly nice but not perfect, I attempt to make it myself. Which often turns out to be much more work then I originally thought and I end up in my slip with full hair and make-up, frantically hot-gluing rhinestones and feathers the night of the event.
Well, I dodged the bullet with this project as I started and finished it this afternoon. I'm really quite pleased with it. It's simple but effective. Just like me.

Thus ends my story of good intentions and bad will-power. I am now fully and completely excited for the Silent Comedy show tomorrow night. Perfect outfit, perfect band, perfect times.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Yesterday was filled with small-quiet activities. My favorite weekend ritual of coffee and a cigarette on the patio, facing east. When I size up the sun and lay down my laws for the day.

The graduation party in honor of ML. A few minutes of best friend and old friends and champagne sherbet punch.

A delay in my Mama's flight resulted in a few hours spent at the coffee shop with House of Leaves.  Books are friends and sometimes, I like to catch up with them, see how they're doing, see what's new.  Rarely anything is (they're books, remember?) but sometimes....sometimes.

Which lead to a short visit with The Fancy. Too short but aren't they always?
And that's all I have to say about that.

Retrieved the Wandering Matriarch and spent the rest of the night reading (and scaring myself all right and proper.) Labyrinths and claws and happened/didn't happen are a bad idea after midnight.
Some stories are best left to the daylight hours.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Sometimes you can surprise yourself

And sometimes others can surprise you even more.

As aforementioned, I met up with The Ex for coffee last night. And I was surprised to find myself getting really nervous as the clock got closer to 9:30. What would we talk about? Will I start bawling out of nowhere? What should I wear?
We had only very recently started talking again after a six month self-imposed embargo of sorts. I found it so odd that the idea of seeing him again made me so scared. I mean, this man held my heart for three years. Not long ago, he was the most familiar and most comfortable person in my life. And now, I'm worried about what impression I'll make?
Funny what time and distance and a few select words can do.

I was able to smack myself out of that mindset. I realize that we ended as amiably as possible and that while I may not be over him, I am over the hurt. No reason in the world to stress. It's just him.

Buuuttttt..... He did dump me, so I figured I was entitled to a slight bit of  woman-scorned revenge in fashion form. They say the best revenge is living well.
Well, I say the best revenge is looking good. So, I went sophistikill on him.

Now, sophistikill is less of an outfit and more of an overall vibe. Tight pencil skirts, monochromatic with color pops, stockings and a wrist-watch are vital. It says " I am unflappable." It also says "Don't fuck with your secretary."

Surprise! The night went so nicely. We caught up on each other's work, families and general well-being. We briefly touched on our relationship and were able to make some easements and amends without dredging up the whole past. I realize how silly it was for me to be nervous over him. We always were very easy with each other. When we talked, we could talk about anything. Turns out as much as I miss him romantically, I miss him platonically even more. The Ex said something during our breakup that I'm finally coming to realize is true now.

Much as it kills me, we really are better at being friends.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Good Friday

Isn't it always a good Friday though?
Work is done, two lovely weekend days are ahead and I've got some down time. No laundry, no paperwork. Of course, I've also got a lapful of bunny cat the minute I sit down. It's nice to be needed.

Another good facet of this Friday is the package that was waiting for me when I pulled into the driveway. My Stop Staring dress came in (lightning quick, too!) and it's absolutely perfect for The Silent Comedy show next week.  I'm really excited for this one since the venue is so different from the bars they usually play. Should be an epic night.

Now, seeing as how I may or may not be meeting up with The Ex tonight and I may or may not be kinda anxious about that, I think I'm going to sit out on the patio for a bit and enjoy a little cigarette break.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Stop and smell the honeysuckle!

Which is just what I did during my lovely little coffee date with ML yesterday. Sitting out on the patio, we were accosted by the sweet smell of blooming flowers. I guess that means spring is really here after all. Now, I utterly love fall and winter but I think I can get used to a little sunshine for a bit.

I called it a coffee date but it was really tea.

ML had an awesome black and white vibe going on.

Golden Hill is dog central.

An outfit photo- as you can see I changed my shoes. I just can't wear those yellow wedges. They're adorable but slightly too high at 5 inches. My blue corks are cute, comfy and embellished with roses. Spring appropriate!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Birthday Week

This past weekend, my dear friend KJ turned the big 2-4 and we were out in customary force. Because really, nothing says "you're almost to quarter life" like Benihana and El Dorado.

She looks so pleased, doesn't she?

I keep her around for lipstick touch-ups.

I'm very lucky to have such good friends in my life. Accepting of my slightly "alternative" life style, amazingly creative and the most fun bunch on the block.
Also, I think I might have turned KJ into a bit of a vintaphile herself.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

In the beginning...

there was a dame. A vintage loving lady living in the modern world. She is on a mission. Armed with a tube of red lipstick and her trusty Canon, she attempts to infuse the everyday with a little pizazz. It's not always easy but it is always fun.