Unlike many folks, I loved my high school years. I had great friends and a what-the-hell attitude that combined to result in countless fun times. Senior prom was one of them. I went with a good friend of mine, Mack, and wore a gorgeous 30's style dress. Which I still have and will one day fit back into. I swear.
Prom was such a blast, so when my friend JFK mentioned that The Pearl Hotel was going to be putting on a Vintage Prom benefit, how could I not go?
Turns out it was on the same night that I was supposed to go see Nosferatu at the Copley Symphony Hall with The Fancy. Which I wasn't about to miss so I decided the obvious course of action was to ask him to go with me to prom afterwards. That make two proms for two that I asked the boy to be my date. I'm so progressive.
Fantastic night.
The symphony was beautiful and quite entertaining. I found myself watching the musicians more then the actual film. Something about classical music is just so fascinating to me.
We sped over to the hotel, met up with KJ and her man, took corny prom pictures, drank some awful spiked punch and The Fancy did a cannonball into the pool. While wearing his TSC get-up.
The photos were recently published and most were amazingly awkward, unfortunately. But a few turned out public viewing worthy. Luckily, we took massive amounts at our after-prom party (the boys apartment with whiskey and cigarettes)
Bear in mind that the following photos were taken while intoxicated!.
I look so obviously flustered here...