Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Outfit

Cause nothings says patiortism like rooster print.

Top is from target, shoes are Steve Madden, vintage 70's wrap skirt

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

There are bets placed on my lameness...

CJ and I commented to one another the other day that San Diego might be the most boring city. Little to do other then bars or coffee shops. Especially if you are lucking funds. As I am at the moment. It seems like nothing is ever happening.
But really, I think I'm just proving the adage of familiarity breeding contempt. Living in one place for 27 years kinda blinds me to events and activities that are right in front of my face. So, in the spirit of giving my hometown a new spin, I went with the G.T.G to Friends Chill, a weekly sort of board game party at the Whistle Stop Bar. I've been going to that bar for something like 5 years now and not once have I gone on game night. And why not?
I love games.

And today, we're running with the momentum and heading out to the archery range. I haven't been shooting in years so lets hope I don't injure anyone.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

And a little extra weekend for ya-

Photos from the North Park Arts Festival last weekend- oddly enough, very little art evident in them.

Some goofy metal kids were screwing up the courage to jump off the transformer. I told CJ to go show them how it's done.

Dogs galore- including this adorable little cottonball.

Ow- check out that leg twist :/

 CJ just being the badass that she is...

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Weeekend Review

Good morning O digital world!

It seems I'm always running at least a day late and this post is no exception to that. In that I went out for KC's birthday this friday and spent the greater part of yesterday eating and visiting and being generally post drunk. The birthday night was also something of an anniversary for ReVamp: as one of the first posts was KC's celebratory happenings last year.

Shameless photos to start- the outfit was something I came up with last minute and ended up loving. It's a bit of a bastardized version of the wedding outfit.
I knew it would be a night filled with Ex's- ex friends, ex loves and ex infatuations. So, for social situations like that it pays to go in with a little wiggle.

 And yes, as every clothing blogger can testify, I often feel inarticulately stupid posing for these photos. And will continue to take shameless photos while feeling foolish- for the good of the blog.

 The night started early meeting the female party goers at a dessertshop for some lively discussion concerning name meanings and the functions of your digestive tract. Then,  KJ and I popped over to Counterpoint to meet up with Eka to drink some delicious beer and fawn all over the gorgeous bartender.

 Down the road to catch back up with the birthday party- drank some less tasty beer, made pleasant chat with The Ex and did a lot of smoking out front.

The party broke up fairly early so KJ and I decided to make it a threefer and go dancing. No photos as I had to abandon the camera in the car but it's just a well. Dancing is sweaty work.

Post party in a recap- woke at 11:30, stumbled out bleary eyed to find potatoes and coffee at The Mission, stumbled out stuffed with potatoes and made our way to Krakatoa. Followed by a few hours of chatting and complaining about how sleepy we were. 

And now I'm laying around in my robe, buying shoes online and I'm pretty sure I'm not getting out of bed today. And I'm also pretty sure this is the best morning.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Daily activity and some reflections

Lately, I've found myself with a lot of solo time on my hands- which usually would leave me feeling restless and blue. But I've been keeping myself in good company, nonetheless. Mostly in the forms of epic novels I haven't read in some years.
Last night I found myself sitting at Rebecca's Coffeehouse rereading the Gunslinger and listening to a neat little live jazz band that happened to be playing there. It was a nice surprise and the music went well with my vintage house dress. But sometimes in situations like that, I end up feeling a bit like stage dressing. I'm sure the other folks there assumed I dressed up for the band and were a little confused as to why I was sitting outside the whole time.

Today I ran up to Golden Hill to grab some flowers for my mom at the farmers market. And yes, to catch a glimpse of the cute peanut butter booth chap. Still very cute. Anyway, two people at other booth called out to me as I passed, complimenting my clothing. I stopped and had a quick word, thanked them and went along. On the way back to my car, I started to wonder why every time someone pays me a good word on my dress, I feel like my response is always so stiff and awkward. Regardless of how much I smile and thank them, I always fear I come off insincere and ungracious. I hope that it's just my own perception and not how it appears to other people since those compliments always make my day.

And now, I'm in the process of going back through 100 (!?)  posts of this blog and editing out mistakes and fixing photo sizes. I am that sort of person who is forever looking back-it's my nature to be cheek and jowl with nostalgia. And often as not, I find that the points of my life that seemed blackest during are the ones I remember so fondly. This time last year I was unknowingly in love**

** I think perhaps I need an edit here as well lest anyone get the idea that I've been hiding a romance away in my closet these past 12 month. Love of my life, my friends and my situation- and I'm pretty sure those such loves are the best.

Friday, May 6, 2011

A Review and other things-

So, I figure it's time I got around to those products I bought a while back and how well (or not) they turned out. As I mentioned before, all natural or organic make-up is a crap shoot for me and while not all the little goodies I picked up lived up to my hopes, most surprised me in a good way.

The things I was most excited for was the foundation and primer. I've got very odd coloring to my skin being both olivine under toned and splotchy red. The fun of mixing Italian and Irish genes I guess. So, I'm always on the lookout for a product to even out the red. I had hopes for the color changing mineral foundation by Mojo Spa to be a lightweight makeup that wouldn't be unbearable to wear during the summer. And while it feels fine on, the lightest color offered is way to tan for me.

As you can see, it looks like a bronzer and let me point out that my hands are much tanner then my face. I looked a bit clownish with it on my face. 
However, the primer and concealer worked better for me. The Iluminata under my everyday make-up gives a pretty glow and while the white concealer doesn't cover up things like a traditional one, it does take away redness. But I've found it's unsung virtue is making blemishes disappear. Truly.

The lip products I really like- the scrub works well and even though I'm not a big fan of honey scent, it's not overpowering. And I really liked the tinted balm. That is until this morning when I accidentally washed it with my work jeans and now have a melted tube of tinted mush. But I have a photo of how it looked on before I kultzed all over it.

Beware of big eyes! Yow.

My absolute favorite buy was the unfortunately named Twilight perfume. Despite it's tweeny vampire connections, the perfume smells like heaven and I can't stop wearing it. There's something very warm and sweet about it without smelling like frosting. Adore. 

And that's this rounds foray into natural makeup. I think I fared better then I expected to. I was planning to blog about some other stuff as mentioned in the title but I'm hungry. Next time...

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Last weekend saw a few fun activities and the herald of some intense summer heat. I wish I lived somewhere that didn't skip right over spring and winter. It's always fall chill then boom! summer hot then boom! fall chill.
Anyway, Saturday I woke up early (for a weekend) and decided I really wanted to check out the Golden Hill farmers market that started less then a month ago. I wrangled up CJ and we did some quick wandering about. Real quick since the market appeared to be closing down once we got there. But it was a funland of cute dogs and a very cute peanut butter booth gentleman. Which means I will definitely be making that market a weekly stop.

 I think I wasn't excepting the back swing.

 I mentioned it was hot but it was also windy!

 This is Rufus- a very sweet very fluffy doggie who looked like he was always in motion.

So, the market ended early but we had a going away BBQ to go to for CJ's cousin. Nothing like vegan fried tofu kabobs.