So, I figure it's time I got around to those products I bought a while back and how well (or not) they turned out. As I mentioned before, all natural or organic make-up is a crap shoot for me and while not all the little goodies I picked up lived up to my hopes, most surprised me in a good way.
The things I was most excited for was the foundation and primer. I've got very odd coloring to my skin being both olivine under toned and splotchy red. The fun of mixing Italian and Irish genes I guess. So, I'm always on the lookout for a product to even out the red. I had hopes for the color changing mineral foundation by Mojo Spa to be a lightweight makeup that wouldn't be unbearable to wear during the summer. And while it feels fine on, the lightest color offered is way to tan for me.
As you can see, it looks like a bronzer and let me point out that my hands are much tanner then my face. I looked a bit clownish with it on my face.
However, the primer and concealer worked better for me. The Iluminata under my everyday make-up gives a pretty glow and while the white concealer doesn't cover up things like a traditional one, it does take away redness. But I've found it's unsung virtue is making blemishes disappear. Truly.
The lip products I really like- the scrub works well and even though I'm not a big fan of honey scent, it's not overpowering. And I really liked the tinted balm. That is until this morning when I accidentally washed it with my work jeans and now have a melted tube of tinted mush. But I have a photo of how it looked on before I kultzed all over it.
Beware of big eyes! Yow.
My absolute favorite buy was the unfortunately named Twilight perfume. Despite it's tweeny vampire connections, the perfume smells like heaven and I can't stop wearing it. There's something very warm and sweet about it without smelling like frosting. Adore.
And that's this rounds foray into natural makeup. I think I fared better then I expected to. I was planning to blog about some other stuff as mentioned in the title but I'm hungry. Next time...