Hello again. As the title hopefully indicates, I've decided (mostly) that I want to and will move out of San Diego. Despite my best efforts, I am completely wasted on my hometown. I've never lived outside of California and maybe the biggest reason, I'm bored and want a change. So, I'll be packing up the essentials (clothes, shoes and cat) into the car and heading back east. Rochester Ny mainly- South Wedge area specifically.
SW is pretty much a mix of Golden Hill-South Park and a little barrio thrown in. Turn of the century buildings, vegan bakeries and about a million coffeeshops. (That last one is high priority) The area is just now going under gentrification, so it's still got a lot of flavour without one being swamped with drug-addled trash. Living in Rochester means I'll finally be part of my extended family, I can watch my baby sister grow up and I'll be able to rent an awesome architectural place without needed three jobs and a roommate.
In addition to the Farmers market done weekly, they have Wedgestock- a craft/food/music/arts fest something akin to the Adams Ave street faire.
Oh, did I mention the community based victory garden? I will most defiantly be going in on a plot here.
Plus Rochester has it's own waterfalls. Two of them actually.
And they do a Tweed Ride! Now, yes I know San Diego also has a tweed ride and I've never gone. But that's because I'm lazy and San Diego has too many hill for my curvy ass to go pedaling up and down.
Highland Park- Rochester may be crazy small compared to SD but it's got some serious beauty to it. I realize this is a pretty ambitious undertaking, between saving up enough cushion money, a 5 day cross country drive with a cat, finding a new job and apartment. Not to mention I've never lived with "real" weather before. But I can't help being excited at the prospect of moving.