Friday, September 23, 2011


Hello again. As the title hopefully indicates, I've decided (mostly) that I want to and will move out of San Diego. Despite my best efforts, I am completely wasted on my hometown. I've never lived outside of California and maybe the biggest reason, I'm bored and want a change. So, I'll be packing up the essentials (clothes, shoes and cat) into the car and heading back east. Rochester Ny mainly- South Wedge area specifically.

SW is pretty much a mix of Golden Hill-South Park and a little barrio thrown in. Turn of the century buildings, vegan bakeries and about a million coffeeshops. (That last one is high priority) The area is just now going under gentrification, so it's still got a lot of flavour without one being swamped with drug-addled trash. Living in Rochester means I'll finally be part of my extended family, I can watch my baby sister grow up and I'll be able to rent an awesome architectural place without needed three jobs and a roommate.

In addition to the Farmers market done weekly, they have Wedgestock- a craft/food/music/arts fest something akin to the Adams Ave street faire.

Oh, did I mention the community based victory garden? I will most defiantly be going in on a plot here.

Plus Rochester has it's own waterfalls. Two of them actually.

 And they do a Tweed Ride! Now, yes I know San Diego also has a tweed ride and I've never gone. But that's because I'm lazy and San Diego has too many hill for my curvy ass to go pedaling up and down.

Highland Park, Rochester NY

 Highland Park- Rochester may be crazy small compared to SD but it's got some serious beauty to it. I realize this is a pretty ambitious undertaking, between saving up enough cushion money, a 5 day cross country drive with a cat, finding a new job and apartment. Not to mention I've never lived with "real" weather before. But I can't help being excited at the prospect of moving.

Friday, September 16, 2011

It's been a long summer

And no matter how hard we try, we can't seem to help ending up back at the park. This is yesterday and last week- a juxtapose of bright sunshine and gloomy grey. It's been a very long summer but I think it's over now.

 Since we miss Eka, sometimes we take her dog Germ along with us. 

We stopped at the Organ Pavilion and got a screeching sermon by Mexican Christians.

And caught the free exhibit at the MoPA which had some amazing old daguerreotypes, Man Ray portraits and a photo booth set-up.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Little nonsense

Well, that's it. The dreaded last milestone in the "Shitty Post Break-up Milestones" series. The Ex got married today. 
I did pretty well, all things considered. Got up early, went to work and was actually downright cheery for most of the day. (I did end up crying in the shower for a bit but what can you do?)

I am disappointed in myself that it's been almost two year since we broke up and I still carry this sentiment for "us".  

Ah well, no sense in dwelling on it.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Heat Indexes and High Art

The weather has just been wacky these past couple of days- raining during the morning and hot in the afternoon. All combining into some sort of tropical humidity more akin to the everglades then southern California. It's kinda funny- after the quake on the east coast last month, most californians had a "get over it- it's just an earthquake" mentality. But good lord, the minute our dry heat turns humid, you'd think it was the rapture. Just like when it rains here and suddenly no one knows how to drive on the freeway anymore.

Anyway, weather rant aside, me and CJ decided to beat the heat (and our complete lack of funds) in the park. My ma found two free passes to the art museum for us and we spent a few glorious hours wandering marble corridors and basking in the air conditioning. And since CJ and I have opposite tastes in art, I lost interest five minutes into the modern works and she lost interest five minutes into the classical works.  Then we wandered over to the botanical gardens where, unlike the museum, the allow photos.

This is my new favorite camera filter on my  phone. Hipsteroku which mimics Japanese toy cameras.

I've been to the gardens numerous times but never noticed this funny little sign.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Back again

It's once more been some weeks since I've posted. You might think that I've been too busy with fun and exciting events to make it on here. 
Not quite.

I guess I have been sort of busy- had a good 2 weeks of regular work schedule back. That was nice, it made me feel like less of a shlub. I've also been making a conscious effort to avoid the bars lately. This summer has has been something of an alcoholic whirlwind and at my advanced age of 27, I just can't swing every other night drinking anymore. Neither can my poor little wallet. 

So, I've been filling that time with more humdrum activities- rediscovering my love of Netflix and attempting to make plans for War. I finally got around to bottling up the Loki I started back in the beginning of the year. It turned out pretty well in my opinion and I found some really nifty bottles for it. I've also brought out my dusty ill-used sewing machine and spent my evenings redoing seams on tunics while watching The Tudors. 

But once again, it seems like all my planning may be a bust. I just can't seem to get anyone pinned down enough to go. Not to mention, the one friend who was honestly excited for the trip was hit by a car last week and now is recovering from a shattered leg. Poor guy! 

Well, perhaps I'll just pack up my gear and make it out myself. I've spent vacations alone before and enjoyed them thoroughly. Something to think on.