Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Warning: Clothing Ahead

Forget that last post- sentimental masturbation! There are more vital matters at hand..... 
cold weather clothing!

I know, about as deep as a dime store novel. But ReVamp never claimed to be anything other then utterly superficial. And I stand by that claim.

Therefore, this post will be dedicated to my rather pressing need for a winter wardrobe. Living in southern California has left me understandably bereft of anything to wear during my two week jaunt to the great state of New York next month. So, I must shop. 

Harvest Time Coat from ModCloth

Rolvenden Coat from ModCloth

But really, all I want is this, the forever and always coat!

Great Gatsby Coat by TrashyDiva

And I need some proper boots but moderns are just so unfashionable or so impractical. 

Adore these but my god, 3.5 inch heel in snow?

Edison by Miss L Fire.
Why don't I already own these and most of her '10 collection?

The ones I should and probably will buy- practical G.H. Bass boots.

Add to that some sweaters, a scarf or two and at least one pair of trousers (since I can't always wear skirts) and I end up with another shopping list I can ill afford.

1 comment:

  1. lookin' good. Super rad the you get to visit New York. I've never experienced "real" winter.
