Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Compiled Crap

A list of things that are bugging me right now-

1. I come back to work after a lovely holiday vacation to find out I'm taking a $2.5 paycut. We're losing our contract with the school- which means tight times to come for the company. And it also means I may never get out of the southbay.

2. Recently, I was made aware that my louse father is expecting a baby with his "my aged" girlfriend. Ugh. Ignoring this until another post.

3. My utter inability to find a workable pair of winter boots. I've ordered and returned three pairs so far. Damn my scrawny legs- they make me look like I'm playing dress up in Mommy's boots.

4.  A six month dearth of any sort of .... male affections is starting to take its toll.

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